USPS package tracking is a joke #USPSFTL #fb
Ran down Pikes Peak for 2.5 miles then back up. Excuse me while I throw up. #fb
If you are going to Jack Quinns Running Club tonight don’t forget it is at Boulder Running Company this week.
Thinking about carrying a spray bottle with me all day to train my coworkers. “No talking to Brandan before coffee” *spritz* #fb
12k Trail Roundup results are out: #fb
On the start line with just 4 minutes until the start of the 12k Summer Roundup Trail Run.
So, apparently, Addie is just a “breath-holder”. Cost to figure that out $200.
Addie has now had her first Ambulance ride! #fb
♺ @codinghorror: RT @pickoo: @codinghorror I want to see a blend tec blender blending one of its own kind.
Stopped at the local post office to raise their flag to full staff on the way back from my run. Happy Independence Day! #fb