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This posting is a little late in the year but my current excuse is that I have been sick (fevers of 102) on and off.

Most years I have laughed off making resolutions saying that I am resolving to not make a resolution. But this year I have come to the decision that if you don’t set goals for yourself (and tell others) then you won’t achieve anything of any importance. So this year I am listing my resolutions here.

Blog More

I want to blog more this year.  I actually didn’t blog (on my blog) at all in the past year.  I think that it is important to write a bit for myself.  To enable myself to measure this I vow to blog at least once a week.  With the realization that I have already missed the first week of the year so I will post some extra posts until I catch up.

Get my MCTS Certification

To improve myself professionally I have resolved to pass my MCTS 70-536 Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 – Application Development Foundation Certification Exam.  This is a goal that my boss has set for our group and to personalize it I have  set the goal to be the first, in our group, to obtain this certification.

Learn about American History

My final goal is to improve my knowledge of history.  The ideal way to do this might be to take a history course at the local Community College but I’m not, yet, that motivated.  So to jump-start myself I will read at least two history books this year.  I will also add bits of insight that I gain from reading these books in a blog post or two.  My first book will be This Kind of War, by T. R. Fehrenbach. This book was assigned to me (and all the other officers in the Battalion) by my Battalion Commander as required reading for Officer Professional Development when I was in the Army. I enjoyed the book but I ETS’d before we finished it.

I have not picked my second book yet.  I am struggling to decide if I should stay in the Korean War Era or not.

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